The Exley Process: From Proposal to Publication

Step 1: Proposal Submission
Undergraduate students submit their proposals for their research or creative work to be considered for publication in The Exley. Proposals should be between 300-500 words and provide an overview of what your research is and why it is worthy of publication in The Exley. For creative submissions, the artwork should be attached to your proposal. Visit The Exley Submission Process page for more submission guidelines and details.
The deadline for proposals for the upcoming issue is September 27, 2024.
Step 2: Proposal Review and Acceptance Decisions
The editorial team will review all proposals and decide which proposals make it to the next round based on quality, subject matter and needs of the issue. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and authors will be informed of which proposals will move to the next stage by October 4, 2024, at the latest. Generally, about half of submitted proposals move to the next stage, depending on the number of submissions received. The editorial team will also confirm faculty support of project publication. Students who move to the next stage will then prepare to submit their full research projects for consideration in the next round. The editorial team will provide specific guidelines to those students whose proposals were selected to move forward.
Step 3: Submission Full Research and Creative Works
Full research and creative submissions from those who advanced to this stage are due in early November 2024. Submissions must adhere to the guidelines provided, and faculty approval must be confirmed.
Step 4: Full Submission Acceptance Decisions and Initial Edits
The editorial team will conduct a detailed review of all full submissions and decide which submissions advance to the next round. Authors will be informed if their submission advanced by the end of November 2024. The editorial team will engage in an initial round of proofreading edits for each accepted submission. These edits will be completed by mid-November 2024.
Step 5: Faculty/Student Reviews and Post-Review Edits
Faculty and student research reviewers in the appropriate field review each submission. Authors will be informed if their submission advanced by late November 2024. Authors whose submissions are selected to advance past the review stage will be asked to address content and stylistic edits stemming from reviewer feedback. These edits are due in early January 2025.
Step 6: Board Reviews
The Exley board will meet in January 2025 to review all remaining submissions and approve or make other recommendations for each work.
Step 7: Final Edits and Editorial Team Final Decisions
Final editing work for all submissions, biographical entries, and creative sidebars will be completed and final decisions for publication in the The Exley will be made in February 2025.
Step 8: Production
The Exley goes into production mode with layout and design, then finalized, approved, and printed during March 2025.
Step 9: Publication and Release
The upcoming annual edition of The Exley will be published and released in April 2025. An annual luncheon takes place to unveil the new issue and recognize all authors and contributors.
Contact Us
For questions regarding The Exley, please email exley@utdallas.edu or call 972-883-6706.