Patti Henry Pinch Scholarship for Undergraduate Research
The Patti Henry Pinch Scholarship is designed to assist undergraduates at UT Dallas with research and travel expenses by offering supplemental financial support of up to $1,000 (half of the award will be provided by the student’s school and half will be provided by Patti Henry Pinch Undergraduate Scholarship funds) on a competitive basis. Students should consult their research advisor in order to complete the application.
This funding is not a substitute for other forms of funding that currently exist. Rather, the intent is to support research activities in instances where other sources are inadequate or unavailable. UT Dallas encourages undergraduates to proactively seek opportunities to demonstrate the research activities they are engaged in at the University.
Applicant Eligibility
Applicants must be currently enrolled at UT Dallas and have completed a minimum of 60 hours, including a minimum of 30 hours in their major and 24 hours at UT Dallas.
Patti Henry Pinch Scholarship Application Form (pdf)
Research Activity Eligibility
Students may apply for grants to fund any of the following and should mark the appropriate category on the Application Form:
- Travel to research collections in the United States.
- Travel for invited research presentations, performances, or exhibitions at significant professional meetings or events here in the United States.
- The purchase of research-related materials, such as videos or microfilms; (Note that any equipment purchased with grant money remains the property of UT Dallas).
- Expenses related to the translation or transcription of primary research or research materials.
Scholarship Application Process
- Applications are accepted at any time during the year.
- Scholarships will be awarded depending on availability of funding.
- Applicants should request funds at least six weeks before they need the funds; requests cannot be retroactive.
- Please note: All applications must be submitted through and approved by the student’s research advisor, program/department head, then forwarded by the school to the Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE) for final approval (Attn: Courtney Brecheen, Mailstop FO16, or FO 2.710).
- Prior to travel, the school is responsible for ensuring students fill out all appropriate risk management travel forms.
- Departmental Review: The student’s research advisor and program/department head are required to review applications to confirm the proposed project will be beneficial to the applicant or add to their professional standing, and to verify that school/departmental matching funds are available for the project. Following financial approval by the appropriate school representative, the school must forward the application form to OUE (Attn: Courtney Brecheen, Mailstop FO16, or FO 2.710) for confirmation of matching funds.
- The school will process applicable travel vouchers or purchase orders working with OUE for funding. A signed copy of the application form will be returned to the school and the school will maintain all supporting documents in the application packet.
- Follow-Up: In keeping with all competitive programs, a brief (one-page or less) report should be filed by the student once the activity is complete. The partnering school keeps these reports and sends a copy to OUE.
Scholarship Application Packet Requirements
- A completed Patti Henry Pinch Scholarship Application Form (pdf), which includes the endorsement of the student’s research advisor, program/department head and confirmation of the availability of departmental matching funds. The School must forward the completed application form to the OUE.
- A one-page letter describing the project, its purpose and its relevance to the field and applicant. In the case of a performance or presentation, applicants will need to explain the relevance of the venue to the particular field and how the experience will enhance development as an artist, performer or scholar.
- A detailed budget. Applicants should indicate whether they have matching funds from outside sources or are currently applying for such funds. Per diems are not permitted under this program. In the case of presentation travel, provide a letter of invitation or other indication of acceptance from the sponsoring organization.
For further information contact the Office of Undergraduate Education at 972-883-6706 or visit FO 2.710.