Texas Success Initiative Exemptions
Incoming Freshmen: Please Read
If you have an SAT/ACT score exemption from the list below, please submit official scores to UT Dallas via College Board/ACT website. Emailed/scanned score reports cannot be used. Once received, the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) hold can be removed automatically if the exemption applies. This process usually takes two to three weeks. If you have dual credit coursework, please have an official college transcript sent to the UT Dallas Office of Admission and Enrollment as soon as possible for TSI evaluation.
Test Scores
Exemption Type | Reading and Writing | Math | How to Submit Exemptions |
ACT Scores Prior to Feb. 15, 2023 Valid for up to 5 years from date taken | Composite Score ≥ 23 AND English Score ≥19 | Composite Score ≥ 23 AND Math Score ≥19 | Student must send ACT scores from ACT to UTD School Code 4243 |
ACT Scores After Feb. 15, 2023 Valid for up to 5 years from date taken | Combined English and Reading Score ≥ 40 | Math Score ≥ 22 | Student must send ACT scores from ACT to UTD School Code 4243 |
SAT Scores Valid for up to 5 years from date taken | Evidence-Based Reading & Writing Score ≥ 480 | Math Score ≥ 530 | Student must send SAT scores from the College Board to UTD School Code 6897 |
STAAR Scores Valid for up to 5 years from date taken | Level 2 score (≥ 4000) on the English 3 End-of-Course Exam | Level 2 score (≥ 4000) on the Algebra 2 End-of-Course Exam | Student must submit high school transcript report to UTD |
AP Scores | If you have successfully completed an AP exam and would like a review of your scores for TSI exemption purposes, please review with your academic advising office. | Students must send AP scores from College Board to UTD School Code 6897 |
Transfer Credit
TSI Completion from Other Texas College
Often, if you attended a previous college/university that has already determined you TSI complete, your transcripts from that previous institution may indicate that status.
Student must submit official college transcript to UTD.
Associate Degree or Higher
You are exempt in all areas if you hold a domestic associate or baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education. International coursework does not always guarantee TSI exemption.
Student must submit official college transcript to UTD indicated degree was conferred.
Transfer Coursework
Depending on what college-level course(s) you have already successfully completed, you may be exempt from taking the TSI Assessment in one or more areas. The TSI Coordinator will evaluate your COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY transcript(s) to determine if the courses you have successfully completed will qualify. ALEKS is not accepted for TSI purposes.
Student must submit official college transcript to UTD. The transcript must show completion of course with grades.
Military: Active Duty
You may be exempt if you are serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the US, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the US and have been serving for at least 3 years preceding enrollment
Student must submit copy of official military document showing minimum 3 years of active service to tsi@utdallas.edu.
Military: Honorable Discharge
You may be exempt if you were honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the US or the Texas National Guard or served as member of reserve component of armed forces of the US (on or after August 1, 1990)
Student must submit copy of DD 214 showing Honorable Discharge to tsi@utdallas.edu.
Enrolled in a Certificate Program of One Year or Less (≥ 42 Credit Hours)
You do not need TSI and you should not need to do anything further.
Non-Degree Seeking or Non-Certificate Seeking
You do not need TSI and you should not need to do anything further.
None of These Apply
You must take the TSIA 2.0 before attending orientation